
Bridgecroft is a private family investment consultancy, business development and management company.
Established in 2012, Bridgecroft Ltd is an independent, privately held company focussed on the management and development of a limited number of UK based companies in the construction and property sectors.

Please contact us if you have a company which may require business development/management services or have an opportunity for which you are seeking investment.

The directors of Bridgecroft have extensive capital markets, legal and financial experience gained in some of London’s leading institutions.

James Stephens LLB LLM

Following completion of his Masters in International Commercial Law & Business, James spent 10 years as a solicitor in London with SJ Berwin and Jones Day, specialising in commercial and corporate law. James won the Nottinghamshire Young Business Person of the year award for 2009; sponsored by KPMG and Nottinghamshire County Council. James is also an Executive Director of Deanestor Plc. and Dentalstyle Limited.

Richard Tonkinson BSc Hons (Edin) ACSI

After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, Richard spent 10 years in the City of London with Rothschilds, Williams de Broe and Citigroup/Solomon Smith Barney, latterly Richard was the department head for UK Equity Brokerage at Citigroup. Richard has experience in a wide range of capital markets and has worked on numerous corporate transactions including: M&A, IPOs/AIM admissions and secondary fund raisings. Richard was Money Week’s stock-picker of the year for 2005 and has written for a variety of financial & industry publications. In 2018 Richard participated in the House of Lords Committee Inquiry into Off-site Manufacture for Construction. Richard holds a postgraduate diploma in accounting from LSE and is the Executive Director of Deanestor Ltd, Offsite Solutions Ltd, Ryton Estates Ltd & Dentalstyle Ltd.

William Tonkinson BSc Hons (Edin)

After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, William moved into the financial services industry. Following a period with Rothschilds William took up employment with the group companies and became Managing Director of Dentalstyle Ltd in 2004. Since then the company has become established as the premier manufacturer of dental cabinetry in the UK. William has been instrumental in the development of the product range and client base of both Dentalstyle & Deanestor over the last 10 years and became Managing Director of Deanestor Plc. in 2013.